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Medical Literature: Methodology Matters

Observational Studies: Methodologies

Observational studies -- cohort, case control, cross-sectional, and case series/case reports -- best answer questions about prognosis or etiology. For example, whether smoking affects risk and severity of COVID-19.

"An observational study is one in which the researcher does not experimentally manipulate the conditions of interest, but instead relies on observing participants in a more natural way. The term observation study encompasses a wide range of data collection methodologies. Compared to experimental designs, observational studies allow the researcher to exercise less control, which can make results more difficult to interpret."
-Observational Study. (2016). In J. Longe (Ed.), Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology


How to Find Observational Studies


Additional filters box in PubMed interface


To the left of your search results, open the "Additional Filters" option.

Observational Studies option

Select "Observational Study."

Alternatively, you may also search for the study design as a keyword. PRO TIP: put quotes around the study design type for a more focused search:

hunger "cohort study" example search

Please note that you can locate observational studies in most databases the Grinnell College Libraries subscribes to; please contact a librarian if you would like additional assistance.