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Library Technology

Printing 1 page every few minutes

Online PDF print jobs can be large and clog the print queue.

  1. Open the print queue for the impacted printer and take a look at the student’s job in the print queue. How big is the job? If you are witnessing print jobs in the 100-400 meg size range, these jobs may be clogging the queue.
  2. If you see that the impacted student’s job is the potential culprit, then advise the student to cancel the print job.
  3. Then walk the student through printing from Adobe Acrobat as opposed to printing from the web browser or Apple Preview. Printing from Adobe Acrobat will significantly reduce the file size sent to the printer.
  4. But the student has left the building and the job is still printing? Cancel the print job (see Delete a stored job).

Delete a Stored Job

When you send a stored job to the printer memory, the printer overwrites any previous jobs with the same user and job name. If a job is not already stored under the same user and job name, and the printer needs additional space, the printer might delete other stored jobs starting with the oldest. You can change the number of jobs that the printer can store from the General Settings menu on the printer control panel.

Use this procedure to delete a job that is stored in the printer memory.

1. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, scroll to and touch the Retrieve from Device Memory button.

2. Select the name of the folder where the job is stored.

3. Select the name of the job, and then touch the Delete button.

4. If the job is private or encrypted, enter the PIN or the password, and then touch the Delete button.

When the printer can’t print the font

From Adobe Acrobat:

1. Choose File > Print, and then click Advanced. ...

2. Select Print as Image. ...

3. Click OK to close the Advanced Print Setup dialog box, and then click OK to print.

Printer Jams

The screen on the printer will guide you through removing paper from various areas of the printer.

Blurry or Missing Print

This usually indicates that the toner cartridge is ready to be replaced.

Print Jobs Disappearing from the Queue

Print jobs disappearing from the queue:

· Verify that the student is an active student with a positive balance on their account.

· Verify that the printer is online. Are you able to print?

· Attempt to print to a different printer.

· Attempt to print from a different computer. 

Printer Offline

Check the printers cables and make sure they are properly connected.