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Scholarship in Graduate School

Companion guide to Grinnell College Libraries workshops. Covers the research lifecycle, publishing peer-reviewed articles, identifying research collaborators, and developing a professional online presence.

Workshop Description

Join Grinnell College librarians to learn about how scholarship is produced, from idea to published article and beyond. This workshop will cover key steps in the scholarly communication process and ask attendees to consider the many forces that shape the academic information landscape. 

Model t

Create a research vehicle (automobile, plane, boat, etc.). Things to consider:

  • What makes it go?
  • Who is driving, and who are the passengers?
  • Where is it going?
  • Which parts are essential?
  • How is it fueled?
  • What is the street or waterway, etc. like?
  • Is there a fee to ride?

candy makers sorting chocolates


Sort or organize the steps however you see fit, and use sticky notes to insert steps that you think might be missing or to jot down questions/comments that arise.

Sort the players in any way you want. Some ideas:

  • chronological order
  • amount of influence on what gets published
  • amount of credit for what gets published
  • relationships among the players

Bolded terms might be new to you. Discuss with your group and look them up if necessary. Use sticky notes to pose questions, make connections, etc.