TRAC refers to a agreement between Grinnell and other Iowan libraries and institutions where patrons are able to check out books and other physical materials that are in other libraries' collections but not our own. To use, simply enter the title of the item in the Catalog search bar on the main page of the Library's home page and select "TRAC" from the drop down menu:
Once you find the item you are looking for, Click the "check the available services"
Sign in when prompted and then look at the "How to Get it" section of the page. You should see a section labeled "Get It from other Institutions" with a list of locations the item is available at. Click on the desired location (it often doesn't matter which one you choose if there are multiple options)
Click on the "Request" option
Fill out the form and click "Send Request"
You will receive an email when the items are ready for pick up. They will be at the Circulation Desk at Burling.
For articles, items typically in digital formats, media, and books not found in TRAC, please fill out a Interlibrary Loan Request.
From the main page, click the red "create request" button:
Choose the type of item you are requesting from the top bar:
Fill out the fields to the best of your ability and then click "submit request". You will receive an email once the item is ready for you.